Haleakalā. Yosemite. Mount Hood. The Moon. Joshua Tree. White Sands.
One of these is not like the others.

"Environments let you transform your physical surroundings into a different place..."
- Apple

One could conceivably visit these Environments and experience them in person, each chosen for their beauty and expansiveness.

Joshua Tree
1,235 sq miles

Yosemite National Park
1,189 sq miles

52 sq miles

Mount Hood National Forest
1,667 sq miles

White Sands National Park
227 sq miles

The Moon is 14.6 million sq miles

But where are you on the moon?

The Apollo missions took 14,227 photos.
Thirty-three panoramas were stitched together.

Apollo 11 JUL 69
Mare Tranquillitatis
0.67416°N 23.47314°E

Apollo 12 NOV 69
Oceanus Procellarum
3.0128°S 23.4219°W

Apollo 14 FEB 71
Fra Mauro Highlands 3.64589°S 17.47194°W

Apollo 15 AUG 71
Hadley Rille
26.13239° N 3.63330° E

Apollo 16 APR 72
Descartes Highlands
8.9734°S 15.5011°E

Apollo 17 DEC 72
Taurus-Littrow Valley
20.1911°N 30.7655°E

Apollo 17 Station 5

Apollo 17

Apollo 17

Apollo 17




It's interesting to see what has been changed. Some rocks have been removed, while others have been added.

I wonder what that says about the aesthetics of the Moon, or what we believe they should be.

Each Environment could be explored tomorrow. 3.9 million people visited Yosemite in 2023.

But not the Moon. Only two people have ever, and perhaps will ever, step foot in that place.

And we get to join them every time we turn the Digital Crown.